Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mighty Leaf : Vanilla Bean Reveiw

Tea  Company : Mighty Leaf
Flavor : Vanilla Bean
Type Of Tea : Black tea
Brew Time : 4minutes
Other Notes : NOT Caffeine Free

Last Night I brewed up a nice mug of Vanilla Bean Tea From Mighty Leaf. I love this Tea, It is like no other Vanilla Tea I have ever had. It has a Nice Warm Smooth Full Bodied Taste to it. I for one like to add a touch of honey to my tea, To give it that slight bite of sweetness. If you are not a fan of honey i recommend adding in some Raw Sugar, Or maybe some Agave syrup. If you choose Agave Syrup I would go with the Light Version so not to cover the taste of the tea with a sweetness.

The Tea that Mighty Leaf puts out is a Loose leaf tea, in a soft silky Textured bag that is bio degradable It is best to get a Loose Leaf Tea so you can get the full experience from the Tea Leaves and other little prizes tucked away with them.

I would Recommend this tea to none tea drinkers. As some teas like Green tea Have a bitter bite to them, this one does not.


  1. I love this blog! I love you too. This is a great idea. Keep it going, Mike!


  2. Thank you tara! :D I have like 3.... Reviews coming up soon keep a look out.

    I know my writing skills suck at the moment but it will get better :D
